Site Search: runner

Diastasis research

Can we talk about diastasis research?

Dear Diastasis Community-Can we talk about diastasis research?  Recently, I returned to school to pursue my DPT (a clinical doctorate in physical therapy). My middle schooler and high schooler have assured me that it can’t possibly be as hard as what they are studying, so I am not allowed any whining. Which sucks because Pharmacology...

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Welcome to our new map feature! This tool allows you to search for practitioners near you who have taken coursework from Julie Wiebe PT. To be added to the map, each pro must have completed at least one of the following: Julie’s full foundational course Piston Science Part One, Dynamic Core for Kids (either the...

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Running while pregnant

Q and A: How long can I keep running while pregnant?

Q: : I am just curious for your thoughts about how long I can keep running while pregnant. I have seen some of your posts on pregnant CrossFitters modifying workouts while pregnant. Some of my pelvic floor physio friends say to stop running at the latest when I am 16 weeks pregnant. I am currently 14 weeks...

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Pelvic Floor Health and Running: It’s So Much More than Incontinence!

So excited to share this conversation with Another Mother Runner on pelvic health and running. It was such a blast! Got to share lots of ideas to continue to first broaden our definition of what a pelvic health problem is, then link it to common postpartum running inefficiencies that may never have been considered from...

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