
An Athlete Tells You They Have Leaks While Running-Now What?
November 20th 2024
You got the 411- female athlete pelvic health is a thing. You’ve added some questions to your intake, and your athlete told you they have leaks while running-now what? How do you interpret pelvic health symptoms as a part of the whole clinical picture? You got this! Bring your sports physical therapy (physio), strength and...
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Female Athlete Health Domains are Research Priorities
November 10th 2024
Y’all. This is big. Recently the International Olympic Committee (IOC) published an expert consensus statement focusing on the specific health needs athletic females (bio-sex) (Moore et al, 2022). The authors identified 10 female athlete health domains to prioritize in research. The domains will assist with consistency of research classification, communication, and reporting: menstrual and gynecological...
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What’s New? Running and Prolapse
June 17th 2024
What’s new with Running and Prolapse (POP)? Not only is it Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness month, but we also celebrated Global Running Day in early June. So for our next research round-up, let’s talk about what we can glean from recent studies that discuss the prevalence of POP in activities that involve running. What do we...
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What’s New? High-Intensity Exercise and Prolapse (POP)
June 3rd 2024
What’s new with high intensity exercise and Prolapse (POP)? Let’s kick off Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness Month with a specific look at what current evidence suggests regarding the relationship between high-intensity exercise and prolapse. Not surprisingly, we don’t have much. However, we can start the month with a hopeful spin, the tide is turning. These...
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A Diastasis Classification System
May 28th 2024
Time to get us all on the same page with a Diastasis Classification System. Adopting a more standard way of describing Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA) gives us communication clarity and understanding across continuum of providers (docs-nurse practitioners-midwives-physios/PTs/OTs-fitpros), social media influencers, and the public. Give it some thought. To be clear, this proposed Diastasis classification system...
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Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.