Continence is a challenge for many of the families pediatric PTs and OTs encounter. But few pediatric professionals feel confident to address these needs, and standard behavioral and environmental interventions seem to fall short for atypical children (and some typical kids). This 2-hour online module seeks to provide the pediatric professional with a new understanding of continence, through an exploration of the neuromuscular and pressure systems that contribute to continence (its more than just a pelvic floor problem).

New intervention strategies are provided to access these systems, taking into account the unique circumstances of children with developmental, sensory and motoric challenges. Practical approaches are discussed and demonstrated to simultaneously address the interconnection between postural control, balance, gait, constipation and continence using several concepts basic to the Dynamic Core for Kids approach to central stability read more

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This course has been approved for 2 CCUs by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy.


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