This 15-hour course is designed to equip pediatric rehabilitation professionals with the knowledge, clinical reasoning, and tools to apply a systems based, neuromuscular central control framework to the specific needs of a variety of neurodiverse children: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), hypotonia, and more.

Primary course content is divided into 2 days.

Day 1: Clinicians will be introduced to a neuromuscular, systems approach to central control (Core Strategy) that is distinct from traditional concepts of core strength. This integrative model uses the diaphragm and breathing mechanics as an access point for central control (aka core stability). This attainable and relevant starting point for pediatric populations impacts multiple intertwined systems including postural control, balance, sensory processing and emotional regulation as well as functional gross and fine motor skills. The development of and challenges to central control in neurotypical and neurodiverse populations are discussed. A specific assessment model of the elements of the central control system (diaphragm, abdominal wall, pelvic floor, and pressure system) is provided. An intertwined understanding of the influence of alignment and external support to optimize availability of the elements of this system is demonstrated.

Day 2: Participants will learn to integrate Core Strategy into treatment, movement, and functional activities that have immediate application to a variety of clinical settings (direct treatment, school, and home programs). Case presentations and small group learning will promote concept synthesis and clinical reasoning to implement Core Strategy in clients of differing ages (preschoolers age 2+, school age and teens) and diagnoses. Participants will also discuss how to integrate Core Strategy Techniques with Neuro-Developmental Treatment handling skills and sensory processing intervention to support a greater range of clients.

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