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Blog Tag: diaphragm

The Pelvic Floor Needs New PR

The pelvic floor needs new PR! We need to take steps to break down the barriers for practitioners and patients to begin to appreciate the power of this muscle group and the multi-tasking capacity that it has beyond just keeping panties dry, organs in, and sex happy. First step, let’s expand the definition of a...

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Lions, Tigers, High Heels…Oh My!

A recent NY Times Well Blog discussed the dangers of high heels based on an Australian study that compared the differences in foot muscle and tendon activation patterns in frequent vs infrequent high heel wearers while walking barefoot. The study found that frequent high heel wearers (40+ hours/week) retained a barefoot walking pattern that mimicked how...

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Dear Dr. Oz….Pelvic Organ Prolapse

On Jan 20, 2012 posted some of Dr. Oz’s comments on pelvic organ prolapse. He suggested training the pelvic floor with.. “Kegel exercise(s). Dr Oz showed the audience how to do this by envisioning an elevator and breathing in and up. (It should take 10-15 seconds, when breathing in and up.)” I respectfully disagree…....

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Dynamic Core in Kids- Case Study 12-year-old Male

The following is a summary of a more formal case study (submitted for future publication) of the response of a 12-year-old boy, Michael (name changed for privacy), had to the Dynamic Core for Kids approach. These photos actually capture his progress better than our words! His response was exciting and we are seeing a similar response in kids and adults with a variety of...

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5 Things You Should Know About Your Core Exercise Program

Each evening after I put my kids to bed, I spend time searching the web for research, articles and blogs pertinent to women’s health and fitness. As my kids drift peacefully off to dreamland, I get more and more agitated at the misinformation that is being promoted on the web, particularly as it relates to...

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