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Blog Tag: diastasis recti

Diastasis Recti: To Brace or Not to Brace?

This is a recent note I received from a woman with a disappointing result from a popular program that recommends braces for Diastasis Recti, a common separation of the abdominals during pregnancy that lingers for some women. If you have been around my blog or heard my social media voice, prescriptive bracing ain’t my thing....

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Dear Dr. Oz: Diastasis and (Gasp!) Crunches??

To honor all the “flat belly” New Years resolutions out there, I thought I would post a letter I wrote to Dr. Oz a few years ago. It is a cautionary tale that still applies today: Diastasis and crunches do not mix! I have updated the letter a little with some links to other blogs and...

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