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Blog Tag: alignment

ISO: A Few Good (Wo)men

It’s go time! I have partnered with researchers at Robert Morris University to investigate if women can access and benefit from an online, integrative pelvic floor program to address their stress urinary incontinence (SUI). SUI is involuntary loss of urine due to coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercise or sex. Our hope is that this tele-health program...

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Dear Greg

Dear Greg, Thanks for a well written and thought provoking response  to my Dear Coach blog. As you noted, “not an attack”, just an opportunity for a discussion. You brought up many great points, so let’s discuss! For those listening in to our conversation, please read Dear Coach, then Dear Julie to follow along. I...

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Dear Coach….

Dear Coach, We have been sampling gymnastics facilities to look for a program where the coaching staff seemed to understand that 99% of the kids participating would excel and grow through participation, but ultimately would not be Olympians. No coaches barking out orders or “punishing” kids for mistakes along their individual physical learning curves. Overall,...

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Dear Dr. Oz: Diastasis and (Gasp!) Crunches??

To honor all the “flat belly” New Years resolutions out there, I thought I would post a letter I wrote to Dr. Oz a few years ago. It is a cautionary tale that still applies today: Diastasis and crunches do not mix! I have updated the letter a little with some links to other blogs and...

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Q and A: Goldilocks and the "Too Hot" Pelvic Floor

More great webinar questions today. This question is from a fitness pro who is also undergoing treatment herself for pelvic health issues. Q: (In the webinar) you reference a study saying the pelvic floor more strongly activates when sitting upright and with a natural lordotic curve, which makes sense. But apparently I am too lordotic...

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