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Blog Tag: Fit Pregnancy

Running while pregnant

What are your pet peeves around exercising during pregnancy?

Today marks the end of my sabbatical. It was in a word…busy. Busier than I had intended, but I was getting ahead on some important projects and spending some important time with family, and friends. I did find some quiet time in there for myself, for which I am very grateful. In the midst, I...

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Diastasis In 100% of Women??

So much for bringing calm back in to my online life. Once again I find myself disgruntled with the ‘Everyone-should-brace-after-having-a-baby’ camp. I think my feelings are well-placed, as it is our professional responsibility to get accurate information into the hands of both practitioners and the public. It is critical. A blog came across my desk,...

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Breath Holding and Your Pelvic Health

Q: I know breath holding is bad from my pelvic floor. Should I never hold my breath again? M A: This is a great question as we continue to expand our conversation about intra abdominal pressure in pelvic health issues, is it a friend or foe? Historically, we have counseled women away from certain activities because...

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“The Pelvic Floor Piston: Foundation for Fitness” DVD is here!

The Pelvic Floor Piston: Foundation for Fitness DVD is now available for purchase!! The DVD provides the step-by-step process I guide my clients through to recover and coordinate the system that promotes a sturdy foundation for their movement and fitness and keeps them dry. Find your way to the new online store at for...

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Diastasis: Zip it up!

I like to think of a diastasis that has resisted closure like an open zipper. An open fly affects more that just the zipper, it strains the button above, it messes with the fit of the pants, exposes things not supposed to be exposed, etc. Addressing your zipper may need a multi-tiered approach to re-zip:...

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