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Blog Tag: pelvic organ prolapse

Running and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

What’s New? Running and Prolapse

What’s new with Running and Prolapse (POP)? Not only is it Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness month, but we also celebrated Global Running Day in early June. So for our next research round-up, let’s talk about what we can glean from recent studies that discuss the prevalence of POP in activities that involve running.  What do we...

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Physical Activity and Prolapse

What’s New? High-Intensity Exercise and Prolapse (POP)

What’s new with high intensity exercise and Prolapse (POP)? Let’s kick off Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness Month with a specific look at what current evidence suggests regarding the relationship between high-intensity exercise and prolapse. Not surprisingly, we don’t have much. However, we can start the month with a hopeful spin, the tide is turning. These...

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Safe Exercises for Prolapse

Weight Training and Prolapse-is it OK?

Weight training and prolapse-is it OK? Asking for a friend. Short Answer: Yes. Long answer: keep reading. A No-No? Heavy weight training activities like CrossFit© are often No-No’s in the conversation around pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Many women are advised to avoid these strenuous loads during pregnancy and beyond due to a potential for POP....

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Safe Exercises for Prolapse

Which Ab Exercises are Safe for Prolapse?

Q: Which Ab exercises are safe for prolapse? Asking for a friend. A: Short answer: It depends. Long Answer: Keep Reading. The Long Answer I wish I had a magic formula, but there isn’t one! Any exercise can be a bugger to prolapse or support it. Over-focus on exercises that target the abdomen may not...

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Running and Prolapse

Strategies for Return to Running with Prolapse

Let’s talk about return to running with prolapse! Activities with high impact forces can be tricky in the presence of a pelvic organ prolapse. We want to limit those forces and prepare for them as we recover from a pregnancy. However, integrating strategies to keep those forces inside the tolerance of the active (muscle) and...

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