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Blog Tag: pelvic organ prolapse

Breath Holding and Your Pelvic Health

Q: I know breath holding is bad from my pelvic floor. Should I never hold my breath again? M A: This is a great question as we continue to expand our conversation about intra abdominal pressure in pelvic health issues, is it a friend or foe? Historically, we have counseled women away from certain activities because...

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Q and A: What is the Goal of Prolapse Rehab?

Q: OK, here’s my question that I have been thinking about for a while. Is the goal to make the prolapse go away, is that possible or are we aiming to have no symptoms. Without a doubt these principles have alleviated symptoms ( many years past delivery) but I still have a stage 2 prolapse....

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Q and A: Isn’t the Piston Approach just a Kegel Plus Breath?

The idea of the Piston is a component of a larger system that I teach. I hope it will steer folks toward a functional and relationship based approach to pelvic health and understanding of the role of the pelvic floor as a partnere in movement and performance. Some have asked but isn’t it just a kegel...

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How Do You Push The Baby Out?

When I get a question I don’t feel like I have the best answer for, I hit up pubmed for research and trusted colleagues for their insights and wisdom. Anita Lendach , pelvic health physical therapist,  is one of those colleagues. I posed a question to her that I had received. Specifically the inquirer wanted an...

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“The Pelvic Floor Piston: Foundation for Fitness” DVD is here!

The Pelvic Floor Piston: Foundation for Fitness DVD is now available for purchase!! The DVD provides the step-by-step process I guide my clients through to recover and coordinate the system that promotes a sturdy foundation for their movement and fitness and keeps them dry. Find your way to the new online store at for...

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