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Blog Tag: pregnancy recovery

DRA Classification System

A Diastasis Classification System

Time to get us all on the same page with a Diastasis Classification System. Adopting a more standard way of describing Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA) gives us communication clarity and understanding across continuum of providers (docs-nurse practitioners-midwives-physios/PTs/OTs-fitpros), social media influencers, and the public.  Give it some thought. To be clear, this proposed Diastasis classification system...

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Female Athlete Science

Female Athlete Science- Represent!

Recently, I attended the Female Athlete Conference. After decades of working to get a seat at the table to have folks consider the needs of the female athlete, what a switch to be surrounded by 100’s of others with the same passion. I was immersed in all-things female* athlete, and it was glorious.   Female...

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Safe Exercises for Prolapse

Weight Training and Prolapse-is it OK?

Weight training and prolapse-is it OK? Asking for a friend. Short Answer: Yes. Long answer: keep reading. A No-No? Heavy weight training activities like CrossFit© are often No-No’s in the conversation around pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Many women are advised to avoid these strenuous loads during pregnancy and beyond due to a potential for POP....

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Running and Prolapse

Strategies for Return to Running with Prolapse

Let’s talk about return to running with prolapse! Activities with high impact forces can be tricky in the presence of a pelvic organ prolapse. We want to limit those forces and prepare for them as we recover from a pregnancy. However, integrating strategies to keep those forces inside the tolerance of the active (muscle) and...

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse Hope

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Hope

June is Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness Month, but I’m officially declaring it Prolapse Hope month! It’s a good time to share some #educatedhope to help ladies out who are getting their info from ye ole internet, which may be generating more fear than hope. Kicking it off with some info to help ease your mind…. Info to...

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