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Blog Tag: womens health

Alignment vs Positional Variability: Is that the right question?

The water is getting pretty murky out there, and I am seeing and hearing a lot of confusion regarding this question: alignment (defined as a specific alignment, usually “neutral”, the use of an optimized position) or variability (adopting a variety of postures) for pelvic health or diastasis concerns. Unfortunately, these two ideas have been communicated...

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Dear Diastasis Community….Don’t Make Me Come In There

I haven’t written a Dear…. letter in a while but some recent interactions and online posts on diastasis have brought out my mama bear and my pen. So here goes…. Dear pros that keep telling mamas that they can’t fix their diastasis if it has been longer than a year since their delivery, Let’s start with….WHY?...

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Young Female Athletes Part Two: Female Athlete Triad

Adolescent Female Athlete month continues here at Julie Wiebe, PT! I am thrilled to have my friend and colleague Julie Granger of Prism Wellness Center bring her wealth of knowledge and experience working with this population in a 3-blog series!! These are excerpts from her recently published e-book Young Female Athlete’s Playbook .  It is...

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Let’s Make No Little Plans

“Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men’s blood….make big plans; Aim high in hope and work.” Daniel Burnham My son and I just got the opportunity to watch Hamilton in Chicago. We have devoured the soundtrack for months. It is in and of itself awe inspiring in its delivery….of an awe...

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