Site Search: female runner

Running Postpartum

Running Postpartum? Rotation is Key

Running postpartum? Rotation is key! Often, postpartum mamas end up running with chests high, rotating through their upper chest and shoulders, and pump their arms to make it look like they are rotating. However, their belly buttons stay straight ahead (see pic on left). They have substituted this for the beautiful torso rotation you see...

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Welcome Lifemark Community There are two courses, and combination of courses, being offered that build a continuum of learning that bridges the interconnectedness of pelvic, musculoskeletal, and performance health. Both courses are equivalent to a live two-day continuing education course, and have been designed as online learning experiences with enhanced videos and self-directed labs. Diaphragm/Pelvic...

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Find-A-Pro Map

Find-A-Pro Near You!

Our Find-A-Pro map is here!  I consistently have individuals and practitioners reaching out asking if I know of pros in their area. So often I know there are probably awesome, talented folks who have taken my courses that would be a great fit, but I don’t know them personally or can’t recall their contact information. Voila….the Find-A-Pro map...

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Welcome to our new map feature! This tool allows you to search for practitioners near you who have taken coursework from Julie Wiebe PT. To be added to the map, each pro must have completed at least one of the following: Julie’s full foundational course Piston Science Part One, Dynamic Core for Kids (either the...

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