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Monitor and Modify

Monitor and Modify: Mama Talk Part Three

Time to monitor and modify. Continuing our Mama Talk series on go-to strategies to help moms navigate and interpret the 6-8 week all clear from their doctor to return to fitness. Today, we need to break down the advice doctors often give –  “listen to your body”. This is a tricky one…. “Listen To Your...

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Future Build for New Moms

Let’s Future Build for the Next Generation of Moms

My latest ambition and push is to encourage women to get their baseline. By baseline, I mean know your own body prior to pregnancy. Measure the NORMAL, naturally occurring separation between the sides of your abdomen, now. We have a study that told us that women who have never had children can have up to...

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How Should I Breathe When I Squat?

Quick Question! How Should I Breathe When I Squat?

Dear Julie, quick question! How should I breathe when I squat? A lot of my inquiries start this way. Quick questions don’t always have quick answers. Nor should they. Formula seekers….beware….this post is likely not for you. In any learning endeavor, we must understand basics first, lay a foundation. This gives us a language and...

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Build a Better House

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Rehab: Build a Better House

Time to build a better house for women. The information and conversation around prolapse has historically been about supporting the pelvic organs from below by increasing pelvic floor strength. While this can be an important part of a global intervention strategy, if it is the only strategy offered it may not address other contributing factors,...

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Pelvic Health for Female Athletes

Pelvic Floor Health for Female Athletes with Julie Foucher

Post update on 11/22/23: The original video is no long available but you can still listen to the interview following this link. Enjoy! ––––––––––– I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Physician and CrossFit Games athlete, Julie Foucher, to discuss the unique needs of female athletes before, during and after pregnancy. Have...

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