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Blog Tag: postpartum fitness

Running and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

What’s New? Running and Prolapse

What’s new with Running and Prolapse (POP)? Not only is it Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness month, but we also celebrated Global Running Day in early June. So for our next research round-up, let’s talk about what we can glean from recent studies that discuss the prevalence of POP in activities that involve running.  What do we...

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To Kegel or Not to Kegel?

To Kegel or Not to Kegel?

Q: To Kegel or not to Kegel?- Asking for a friend. A: Short Answer: Both/and, not either/or. Long Answer: Let’s move the conversation forward and ask new questions. What’s the Issue? To Kegel or not to Kegel is a hot topic these days. However, the controversy and conversation is not new. The concern is that...

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Running without leaking

Stop Leaks with Running: Build a Targeted Program

Kegels Don’t seem to stop leaks with running. What gives? Asking for a friend. Short answer: They aren’t enough. Long Answer: Read on. One Size Does Not Fit All (Activities) Many female runners have tried Kegels without success. Here’s the deal, a one muscle solution will not meet the complex needs of an activity like...

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Running Postpartum

Running Postpartum? Rotation is Key

Running postpartum? Rotation is key! Often, postpartum mamas end up running with chests high, rotating through their upper chest and shoulders, and pump their arms to make it look like they are rotating. However, their belly buttons stay straight ahead (see pic on left). They have substituted this for the beautiful torso rotation you see...

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Safe Exercises for Prolapse

Which Ab Exercises are Safe for Prolapse?

Q: Which Ab exercises are safe for prolapse? Asking for a friend. A: Short answer: It depends. Long Answer: Keep Reading. The Long Answer I wish I had a magic formula, but there isn’t one! Any exercise can be a bugger to prolapse or support it. Over-focus on exercises that target the abdomen may not...

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