Follow Your Success: Mama Talk Part Four

Follow your success! Some final thoughts on go-to strategies to help mamas navigate their return to fitness after that all clear by their doctor at 6-8 weeks. Thinking strategically creates a framework you can apply to ANY activity you enjoy (pilates, yoga, CrossFit, running, barre, etc.).

The Road Map

Your body has changed and you may feel like a stranger in your own land. But your body will leave you a road map or at least bread crumbs to follow. In Part Three we discussed monitoring (listening) for signals that an activity may need modifications to promote your recovery and return. These are hints from your body that it may not be ready for what you are asking it to do. But your body is also throwing you clues as to what works. These ‘successes’ are your new GPS.

First, they will remind you and keep you aware of what you are capable of versus focusing only on the struggles. It is ‘evidence’ that you are not broken and that your body isn’t completely MIA. The successes may start small, but they are still victories.

The Breadcrumbs

The successes will also be filled with clues as to what works for you. Squats feel great, and deadlifts don’t. Keep Squatting and progress them. Gradually add range, load, speed or volume. Meanwhile, modify the deadlift to make it symptom free reduce your range, load, speed or volume (Part 3),

The successes may also follow a pattern, look for it and follow it. For example: Back squats and rows are great, while deadlifts and battle ropes are symptomatic. Squatting with weight on your back and rows both ask you to be more extended or upright in your movements. While deadlifts and battle ropes ask you to be more bent forward.

So FOLLOW YOUR SUCCESS roadmap and look for more movements to add back into your routines that keep you more upright, like squats and rows. This doesn’t mean avoid all flexed forward activity, but these may be ones you want to add back in more gradually or in a modified way (see Part Three). This will keep you moving and successful, while you sort through the more challenging activities.

The Driver’s Seat

This keeps you in the driver’s seat as you navigate the road ahead (see Part One). Keep what works, what is ‘successful’, and modify what doesn’t.

Check out Part One, Part Two, and Part Three for more thoughts, and strategies to help with your return to fitness!

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